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ASU News


The dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences "Indicators of Oscillation of Solutions of Linear Differential Equations and Systems" at Lomonosov Moscow State University was successfully defended by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of ASU, Associate Professor Aidamir Stash.

The defense took place at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics in the Dissertation Council of MSU 011.8, the chairman of which is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Valery Kozlov.  The scientific consultant in the preparation of the work was Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Igor Sergeev.

Aidamir Stash began teaching in 2007 while still a student at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of ASU. In 2008, he graduated with honors from the university, in 2013 he defended his PhD thesis in specialty 01.01.02 "Differential equations, dynamic systems and optimal control" on the topic "Some properties of the frequencies of solutions of linear differential equations and systems" at the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Since 2019 - Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of ASU.

Upcoming events

Intra-university student Olympiad "Pedagogical marathon"
February 17 - March 11
Intra-university student Olympiad "Pedagogical marathon"
From February 17 to March 11 Adyghe State University will host intra-university student  Olympiad "Pedagogical marathon" 
"Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve. The First Century"
February 12
"Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve. The First Century"
Adyghe State University will host a free screening of a documentary film "Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve.