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Academic Distinction: Noted Professor at Adyghe State University Honored with Membership in the Association of Russian Scientists in China

Событие Образование

photo1718698160 (1).jpegThe Professor of the Department of English Philology at Adyghe State University, Susanna Makerova, was accepted into the Association of Russian Scientists in China. The certificate of honorary member was presented to Susanna Makerova by the Chairman of the Board of the Association, Alina Steblyanskaya.

Susanna Makerova – Doctor of Philology, professor, head of the Department of English Philology at ASU, head of the Laboratory of Experimental Linguistics, fashion designer, founder and creative director of the Fashion Laboratory SuzieMFashionLAB

At the invitation of her Chinese colleagues, Susanna Makerova gave a lecture in Harbin on the topic: "Ethnofashion: Preserving Cultural Markers in the Digital Age." The meeting was organized by the Association of Russian Scientists in China, the Russian Club in Harbin, and the Association of Russian Students in Harbin in collaboration with the Research Center for Digital Humanitarian Technologies of Heilongjiang University.

Today, fashion, especially ethnic fashion, has become a universal marker that influences lifestyle, environment, culture and shapes public opinion. Such an initiative can be implemented not only in the center, but also in regions that are historically distinguished by their color, originality and uniqueness. Susanna Makerova said that the meaning of understanding the concept of Ethnofashion is much broader than the traditional and classical concept.

"Ethnofashion is not a frozen cliché, but, above all, a modern unique style of designers of multinational Russia. The “Ethnofashion” project is a variety of modern styles in Russia and other countries. She also spoke about the activities of the Ethnomoda community, which is aimed at preserving cultural heritage through a powerful institution of high art and popularizing ethnic studies. In our case, the Caucasus, in general, as the “cradle” of many ancient cultures, and the Republic of Adygea, Adygea State University, in particular, became the platform for an all-Russian reset", noted Susanna Makerova.

The developed competencies in the field of Ethnofashion are based on many years of experience in hosting a festival of cultures at ASU, and simultaneously, a competition for young designers, 'Ethnofashion', which attracts participants from all over Russia, as well as near and far abroad.  In 2024, the Center for Language and Brain of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the Laboratory of Experimental Linguistics of ASU, as part of an inter-university partnership, are holding an International Digital EthnoLook Competition. The goal of the competition is to create an artistic image (for clothing, accessories, or a print) that conveys the cognitive aspect through visual representations (images of the brain, neural connections, etc.) to showcase the aesthetic possibilities of neuroscience, neurobiology, and neurolinguistics.

An in-depth study of the rich historical heritage, the involvement of famous talented craftsmen, artists and designers, turning to folk crafts, reconstruction and use of national heritage using modern technologies, including in the format of Digital Ethnic Fashion, allows one to revive interest in culture, and to develop young designers centuries-old traditions in a new way.

  “Today it is especially important to share experience and make forward plans, consolidating efforts and building a successful mechanism of interaction at different levels,” the professor added.

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