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Adyghe State University Empowers Future Leaders By Launching Tutor Training Program



On August 26, the Tutor Mentoring School launched at Adyghe State University, with an initial cohort of thirty students. The program's primary objective is to equip participants with the skills necessary to become tutors for future first-year students. Prior to the school's opening, students received a comprehensive notebook containing essential information, a sticker pack, a pen for note-taking, a participant badge, and a T-shirt.

The inaugural educational block of the School of Mentoring "Tutor" was led by Daria Onipko, a renowned speaker and former tutor of the Union of Students and Postgraduates at Adyghe State University.

-During the discussion, Daria introduced the participants to the concept of a tutor and their role, as well as the essence of mentoring. She then delved into the topic of the tutor's code, highlighting the significance of ethical boundaries in establishing trust between mentors and students.  Daria emphasized how these boundaries are crucial in building strong, reliable relationships,- The Union of Students and Postgraduates of ASU reported. 

During the school, participants were highly engaged, freely sharing their thoughts on potential challenges that tutors may face in their work. This interactive approach allowed participants to express their opinions and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the course.


The organizers also implemented team-building activities, which enabled participants to forge meaningful connections with one another and discover new aspects of each other's personalities. Team building is a crucial aspect of group dynamics, as it has a direct impact on the efficiency and productivity of the team, ultimately fostering a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere.

The school will take place over three consecutive days, providing a comprehensive and immersive learning experience.


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