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Adyghe State University Ignites Innovation. Winner Determined at the 2024 Science Slam

Наука Студлайф


The Science Slam took place at Adyghe State University, featuring a scientific showcase where young researchers present their work in an engaging and accessible manner. The winner of this competitive event was Dmitry Shumilov, a candidate of biological sciences and senior researcher in the Department of Medical and Biological Problems at the Research Institute of Complex Problems of ASU.
According to the competition rules, each participant has 10 minutes to present their topic. A gong signals the conclusion of their presentation, after which the participants are invited to respond to three questions. The winner is determined by the volume of the audience's applause, which is measured using a special sound meter. The victor is awarded traditional boxing gloves and the opportunity to represent the region at the all-Russian stage of the competition.
Five young scientists vied for the title of champion, with a notable rivalry emerging between two contestants: Dmitry Shumilov, who presented on the role of natural killer cells in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, and Alexander Borodin, a first-year postgraduate student in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and lecturer in the Department of Physiology, who discussed the invasion of the brown marmorated stink bug. 

The jury found it necessary to re-measure the applause for these participants to accurately determine the winner.

The performances were broadcast live on the social network VKontakte. The recording can be viewed at thelink
5251227565748773140.jpg The Science Slam is being held at Adyghe State University for the third time. During this event, young scientists present their latest achievements in their respective fields, engage in discussions about intriguing projects, and receive valuable feedback from both experts and students. This interaction fosters their development and contributes to the advancement of science.

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Science Slam
Science Slam
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