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Prof. Daud Mamiy Suggests Maintaining The Support for The Russian Mathematical Centers during the Council Meeting Session of The Russian Union Rectors in Moscow


Moscow State University hosted the extended session of the Council meeting of the Russian Union Rectors. The meeting was attended by the Assistant of the Russia President Prof. Alexander Fursenko, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Prof. Valery Falkov, members of the Council of the Russian Union of Rectors, rectors and presidents of leading universities, representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences and members of the Council of the Russian Union of Rectors, rectors and presidents of leading universities, and representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The meeting was chaired by Prof. Viktor Sadovnichy Rector of Moscow State University, the President of the Russian Union of Rectors.
The participants discussed the current challenges facing Russian higher education. The main topic of the meeting was training personnel to ensure Russia's technological sovereignty. Among the key issues on the agenda of the meeting was “the priorities for the development of Russian higher education in modern conditions”, “the preparation of university rankings of BRICS universities within the framework of the Moscow international ranking “Three Missions of the University””, “the concepts of the development of mathematical, biological, physical and chemical education in Russian Federation". 

The Vice- President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific director of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, Prof. Stepan Kalmykov, presented a paper “On the concept of chemical education” . From his side Prof. Mikhail Kirpichnikov the Dean of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, Member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Biological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke about: “the concept of biological education". In this regard the Rector of Adyghe State University Prof. Daud Mamiy spoke about the important of the the development of mathematical education. Quoting his words: 

 "The concept for the development of mathematics education was adopted in 2013, I was a participant in the discussion of the concept and the one who implemented it. I think we got good results. It is extremely important that Russian President Vladimir Putin paid a constant special attention to mathematics and the development of mathematical education, this is certainly a sign of how much the country’s leadership understands the role of fundamental mathematical education in its development."


"One of the important elements in the development and popularization of mathematics education in our country has become scientific and educational mathematical centers (REMCs), created as part of the national project “Science and Universities”. NOMCs combine a research and educational mission aimed at creating a unified environment that unites the system of higher, general and additional education and mathematical science along the entire educational trajectory: school - university - graduate school - the first steps in a scientific career." 
"Since 2018, 12 regional scientific and mathematical centers, in addition to 4 world-class mathematical centers have been created in Russia. In fact, mathematics centers have included universities in this process; they ensure the coherence of mathematics education and research in the field of mathematics in the country. At the moment, there is no plan to prolong the funding of the created mathematical centers, but it seems to me extremely important to preserve the mathematical centers and include their activities in the concept of the development of mathematical education and the national project."
The Participants supported the initiative to develop and approve a long-term program of action and financing of the NOMC in order to ensure the development of research and training of specialists in the field of mathematics and its applications, obtaining high-level scientific results, development and popularization of mathematical science in the regions.

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