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The XXX Junior School Olympiad in Mathematics was held at ASU

IMG_3303.jpgThe Republican Natural Mathematics School (REMSH) held the 30th anniversary Olympiad of junior schoolchildren in mathematics for Fifth and seventh grades at the Adyghe State University on March 2 and 3, respectively.   
In this regard, the Rector of Adyghe State University and cofounder of the Olympiad, Prof. Daud Mamiy, noted:

"Over the years, the Olympiad has become one of the main ways to identify talented children in the field of mathematics in Adygea. All our winners of the All-Russian Olympiads showed themselves for the first time at the Junior School Olympiad." 
The Olympiad for Junior Schoolchildren in Mathematics (JMS) for students in grades 5-7 has been held since 1994 to develop mathematical abilities and train talented schoolchildren in the field of mathematics. The annual format allows children to have regular opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in mathematics, and to develop their interest in this science, which contributes to their educational growth.
The Olympiad went through two phases only: the selection, which was  in the form of an oral Olympiad, where students were given three problems (given 4 points) to solve. Students who solve two or three problems are admitted to the second round. In which students are also given three problems. Finalists who solved two problems in the first round have the right to also solve the problem of the first round that they had not solved. Both rounds took place on the same day. The maximum score for each problem was 7 points. 
The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad for junior schoolchildren will be enrolled without entrance tests into the mathematics department at the Republican Natural Mathematics School. The results will be announced after the final work is verified in April. 
 Worth mentioning that over thirty years, about 10 thousand schoolchildren of Adygea became its participants. More than 500 children took part in the anniversary Olympiad.

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