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ASU Experts Participated in a Strategic Session on Enhancing Technology Transfer and Commercialization in Higher Education


Pskov State University has initiated a three-day strategic session aimed at designing an ecosystem for technology transfer and commercialization of scientific and educational outcomes. Participants from various universities, government bodies, economic and entrepreneurial structures of Pskov, Tomsk, and Adygea regions are attending the event. Representatives from the university include philosophy teacher Svetlana Lyausheva, Elena Kukva, director of the department of research initiatives, Svetlana Bedzhanova, head of the Institute of Exact Sciences and Digital Technologies, and Ruslan Thagapso, head of the Institute for Quality of Life.
The strategic session is moderated by Irina Karelina, Vice-President of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. The primary objective is to develop a roadmap that streamlines the process of transforming innovations across various fields of knowledge into successful business projects. This initiative aligns with Russia's focus on scientific and technological development, as emphasized by President Vladimir Putin's signed decree on the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation.
To address the challenges, participants have been divided into groups focusing on "Search for Innovations," "Stages of Commercialization," and "Acceleration." The first plenary session discussed technology transfer and support measures for innovation. Speakers included Anton Loschilov, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of TUSUR, Irina Belova, Director of the Electropolis Technopark, Vladimir Kompaniets, Manager of the Pskov Branch of Sberbank PJSC, Anastasia Ivanova, Director of the My Business Center, and Ivan Tolmachev, a Leading Researcher of the NOL "Bionic Digital Platforms."
In the second part of the session, university and business representatives shared their experiences in commercializing scientific and educational results. Taras Antal, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of Pskov State University, presented the development and commercialization of a fluorimeter created by university scientists to assess plant and microalgae conditions in laboratory and field environments.

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