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A laboratory of renewable energy sources has been created at the Adyghe State University



The new youth laboratory has been made with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia as part of the national project "Science and Universities". The staff of the laboratory of renewable energy sources of the scientific and educational cluster "Institute of Exact Sciences and Digital Technologies" of Adyghe State University will develop a system of intelligent analytical evaluation of solutions in renewable energy.

The Adyghe State University’s project to create a youth laboratory in the direction of "New Energy" has won a grant from the federal project "Development of Human Capital in the interests of regions, industries and the Research and Development sector". The theme of the project is "Building an efficient energy system using renewable energy" corresponds to the priority areas of ‘Strategies of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation’.

The implementation of the project is designed for three years. 17.9 million rubles have been allocated from the federal budget for 2022 to finance the new laboratory. The Troitsk Institute of Innovative and Thermonuclear Research (Moscow) and Systems of Engineering Analysis (Nizhny Novgorod) have become the industrial partners of the project.

The purpose of creating new youth laboratories is the comprehensive development of scientific research and development in the field of advanced technologies and the improvement of the technology transfer system and ensuring the search scientific research results transition to the practical application in the interests of the real sector of the economy.

The Republic of Adygheya has the potential for the integrated use of geothermal resources, wind energy, solar power plants, as well as the creation of hydroelectric power plants. According to the indicators of insolation, the Republic is one of the most provided with solar radiation by the territory of the Russian Federation. On average, more than 250 sunny days are observed in the region per year. The second largest wind power plant in Russia is located in Adygea.

Scientific developments in the field of the efficiency evaluation of renewable energy sources (RES) is one of research works of the Department of Control and Automated Information Processing System.

The Department scientists are engaged in research and development of mathematical and algorithmic support for control systems of energy complexes with unconventional renewable energy sources as well as the development of methods for analysis and synthesis of energy systems with unconventional energy sources and modeling of renewable energy sources.

The creation of a youth laboratory will attract more young people to scientific research. Subject to competitive selection to receive a state subsidy for the creation of a scientific youth laboratory, its leaders and two-thirds of the team must be no older than 30 years old.

The new laboratory is headed by the Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Automated Information Processing and Control Systems of the ASU Engineering and Physics Faculty of ASU Semyon Teploukhov. The staff of the laboratory of renewable energy sources will develop software for an intelligent automatic control system based on active-adaptive connections that ensure a high level of substitution of organic fuel. They will prepare technological proposals for adapting equipment based on renewable sources develop methods for reliable assessment of renewable energy sources (RES) and optimization of parameters of operating modes of an autonomous energy complex for energy saving of remote consumers with the use of modern conversion technologies (RES)

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