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A second-generation sequencer was launched at the Research Institute of Complex Problems of Adyghe State University


A subsidy of 41 million rubles was allocated for the purchase of the new equipment by order of Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

The equipment set is a semiconductor-based sequencing system and enables modern genomic research using simple targeting sequencing protocols. It enables the analysis of as little as 1 nanogram of DNA or RNA and analyses up to 15 GB of data per day.

The second generation Ion GeneStudio S5 sequencer allows rapid nucleotide sequencing of DNA or RNA samples, opening up the future for personalised medicine. The capillary sequencer is used as the gold standard for confirmatory detection of various mutations, genotyping, identification of short tandem repeats and gene expression profiling.

The new equipment will help to improve the efficiency of research work of scientists at the immunogenetics laboratory of the Adyghe State University Institute of Complex Problems which conducts research into trigger mechanisms for socially significant diseases: early reproductive losses, atherosclerosis, bronchial asthma and oncological diseases of the female reproductive system. Materials for scientific research are provided by the Republican Clinical Hospital with the informed consent of patients.

- By analysing DNA samples on a sequencer, we can determine which part of the DNA is damaged. The sequencer makes it possible to decipher the DNA sequence of the 40 necessary methylation regions of genes and compare the picture in sick and healthy people. In cancer patients’ certain genes are silent or conversely "expressed", i.e. operating at higher levels than in healthy people. And we will compare the level of expression of these genes in sick and healthy people to determine which genes are responsible for the development of cancer," said the head of the laboratory, ASU professor Aminat Tuguz.

Highly specialized equipment is the key to a successful scientific experiment. Specialists from InterLabService in Moscow helped ASU scientists prepare for the launch of the new equipment.

"The second-generation sequencer Ion GeneStudio S5 is flexible and can conduct both small studies and studies requiring high throughput. The semiconductor sequencing technology used in the Ion GeneStudio S5 reduces start-up time to a few hours and full analysis time to 24 hours, as well as allowing only 1 nanogram of DNA or RNA for analysis and analyzing up to 15 GB of data per day" said Zhanna Alkhova, InterLabService manager.

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