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The Academic Council discussed the current state and prospects for international activities of Adyghe State University



The Academic Council discussed the report on the international activities and other issues. Susanna Tlekhatuk, the Vice-Rector on International Affairs discussed the results, problems, tasks and perspectives of the University.

International activities in the current environment

The task of educational services export is one of state policy priorities in the field of education in the context of growing demand for education   in most countries of the world. Today education export is one of the modern university competitive factors and defines its positions in the international rating.

Currently, 1362 international students from 44 countries study at the Adyghe State University. The Adyghe State University takes an active part in international educational events and confidently declares itself in the international educational arena.

Over the past yeаr, it has participated in major international events: “The third Russian and Uzbek educational forum “Integration of education, production and science is a driver od academic efficiency”,   The third International scientific conference “Cognitive paradigms of linguistic consciousness and bilingual issues in modern linguistics”, Forum of international graduates of Soviet and Russian universities and representatives of educational system of the Middle East and Africa . Caucasus mathematical Olympiad for schoolchildren has been held on the basis of the Adyghe State University.

The Adyghe State University keeps on implementing innovative educational programs for foreign citizen’s training for the University.

International Faculty Preparatory Department conducts training in 5 pre-university training profiles from the 1st of September to the 30th of June (10 months). They are humanitarian, economical, engineering and technic, medical and biological, natural and scientific profiles. All foreign citizens who want to study Russian can enter the University. 

Upon completion of the Preparatory Department graduates are given a state-issued certificate allowing them to enter all Russian Federation universities. The main part of the preparatory program is the course of the Russian as a foreign language. The remaining subjects are offered depending on the raining direction and in accordance with the chosen specialty.        

The Russian as a Foreign Language Department has made five-year course “Intensive course on Russian as a foreign language” for foreign citizen. The program helps them to pass the test of the first certificate linguistic level (B1) on the Russian language as a foreign language. The certificate is required to enter Russian universities and study programs in Russian.

The Adyghe State University plans to open Russian and Adyghe language learning centers on the basis of Adyghe Khasae of Jordan, Syria and Israel.


Cooperation with educational organizations of Uzbekistan

The University has gained its prestige and recognition due to its history of successful professional training of national personnel of the Republic of Uzbekistan, implementing joint programs

Since 2019, according to the agreement on cooperation between Adyghe State University and Uzbek State University of World Languages, joint educational programs (JEP)have been implemented in two training areas: ”Computer science and computer engineering”, “ Automated control and information processing systems”, “ Pedagogical education” (“Russian as a foreign language” in  3+1 format. Students study in USUWL for the first 3 years and 1 year in ASU.

Joint educational programs allow the students to enter two or more universities (simultaneously or sequentially, including in the order of transfer)

ASU and USUWL (JEP) students are the students of both Universities at the same time. Educational process is conducted according to an integrated curriculum, developed jointly by teachers of Adyghe State University and Uzbek State University of World Languages. Nowadays, 92 citizens of Republic of Uzbekistan study at the 4th, 3d and the 2d courses.

During the cooperation the ASU brand has become recognizable and new partners have shown interest in cooperation in the fields of Russian as a foreign language, computer science and computer engineering, Mathematics, Sports and Tourism.  

To date, 5 memoranda of understanding and cooperation have been signed with Uzbek State University of World Languages, Denas Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy, Ternez State University, Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Samarkand State University and Mogilev A.A. Kuleshov State University.


Prospects for the international activity development

Following the results of the report, the Academic Council has noted that the Adyghe State University has sufficient potential for the development of cooperation with universities of Belorussia, Syria and Jordan and Uzbeistan.

The Vice-Rector for International Affairs has stressed the need to create an algorithm for admission, training and support of foreign citizens. She has offered to develop regulations in accordance with the recent changes in educational field and migration control of ASU foreign students.    

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