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Adyghe State University Hosts the IX Caucasian Mathematical Olympiad


From March 11 to 16, the IX International Caucasian Mathematical Olympiad (CMO) is set to take place at Adyghe State University. Over 160 schoolchildren from 13 countries - Abkhazia, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, the Dominican Republic, Kazakhstan, Peru, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Thailand, Uzbekistan, South Ossetia, and 18 regions of Russia - will be participating in the event.

 The Olympiad will be conducted in a hybrid format, allowing schoolchildren who are unable to participate in person to compete online. Winners will be selected in two age categories: the junior league (grades 8-9) and the senior league (grades 10-11).

 The inaugural Caucasian Mathematical Olympiad was held with the motto "The Caucasus without borders!" The aim was to create a unified cultural and educational space that encompassed the regions of Southern Russia, the Caucasian countries, and the states of the Black Sea basin. In the following years, KMO expanded its reach significantly, serving as a platform for fostering friendly relationships among students from around the world who share a passion for mathematics. Participants from 17 different foreign countries have taken part in the event, contributing to its success in promoting camaraderie and academic excellence.

Since 2022, the second official slogan of the event has been “CMO Math The World” - reflecting the idea that mathematics unites people globally. This year, students from the Dominican Republic and Thailand are participating in the Olympiad for the first time. The competition tasks are curated by a specialized committee comprising mathematicians from Russia, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, and Iran. An international jury, including representatives from Russia, Colombia, and Syria, will assess the participants' work. The jury features renowned Russian mathematicians and educators, as well as coaches of the Russian national mathematics team and former gold and silver medalists of the International Mathematical Olympiad. Notable members include Kirill Sukhov and Pavel Kozhevnikov, coaches of the Russian national team at the International Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Mathematics, as well as Nazar Agakhanov, chairman of the jury and the central subject-methodological commission of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Mathematics.


As part of the cultural program, schoolchildren will have the opportunity to explore the nature, history, and cultural traditions of Adygea. They will also participate in entertainment and sports events, as well as engage in a traditional mathematical quest called "Integral around the city".
Furthermore, during the Cultural Mathematical Event (CME), open lectures will be held at Adygea State University (ASU) by renowned scientists and mathematicians. These include corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexey Savvateev, director of the Physics and Technology School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics at MIPT Andrei Raigorodsky, and head of the Laboratory of Popularization and Propaganda of Mathematics at the Mathematical Institute named after V. A. Steklov RAS, Nikolay Andreev.

 For the first time, open lectures will also be given by the distinguished popularizer of physics, Professor Hayk Sargsyan, who is the head of the Laboratory of Physics of Nano- and Meso-Systems at the Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, as well as a professor at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.
The KME (Krasnodar Mathematical Olympiad) is proudly organized by the prestigious Caucasian Mathematical Center of Adygea State University, in collaboration with esteemed partners such as the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Adygea, the non-profit organization "Center for New Technologies in Education" Matema, the distinguished Republican Science and Mathematics School, and the esteemed Regional Center for Identification and Support of Gifted Children "Polaris-Adygea". This outstanding event is generously supported by our esteemed general sponsor PJSC Sovcombank, and our sponsor, ITV, a renowned leader in software development for security and video surveillance systems in the domestic market.

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