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International Caucasian Mathematical Olympiad: Celebrating Global Math Talent in Adygea


The IX Caucasian Mathematical Olympiad, a prestigious international event, recently concluded in Adygea, Russia. Over 163 schoolchildren from Russia and 13 foreign countries participated in the competition held from March 11th to 16th. The event featured a full-time-distance format and awarded winners in two age categories: the Junior League (grades 8-9) and the Senior League (grades 10-11).
In the Senior League, the winners were Galvez Sebastian Losada (Peru), Evgeniy Rusanov (Russia), Ozodbek Akhtamov (Uzbekistan), Mikhailo Yancevic (Serbia), and Ilya Vassiliev (Bulgaria).

The Junior League winners included Egor Medvedev (Russia), Sargis Arakelyan (Armenia), Evgeny Lippa (Belarus), Stepan Karpov (Russia), Artem Nazarov (Russia), Arseny Volchenskov (Russia), Danil Matveev (Russia), Egor Gruda (Belarus), and Yan Kotsarenko (Russia).
Russian regions Kurgan, Rostov, and Krasnodar Territory showcased impressive team results. The Republic of Adygea's team performed admirably in the Junior League, with Danil Matveev receiving a first-degree diploma and special jury recognition for his work in geometry. Roman Kuznetsov and Alexander Son were awarded second-degree diplomas.
Since 2015, the Caucasian Mathematical Olympiad has been an integral part of Russia's intellectual and creative competitions, supported by the Presidential Grants Fund and organized by the Caucasian Mathematical Center of Adygea State University, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Adygea, the non-profit partnership "Center for New Technologies in Education 'Matema'", the Republican Science and Mathematics School, and the Regional Center for Identification and Support of Gifted Children "Polaris-Adygea". The event received backing from general sponsor PJSC Sovcombank and sponsor ITV.
A special task committee, comprising mathematicians from Russia, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, and Iran, developed the competition assignments. An international jury of representatives from Russia, Colombia, and Syria assessed the participants' work, which included esteemed Russian mathematicians, teachers, and coaches of the Russian national mathematics team.
In addition to the competition, the cultural program showcased Adygea's nature, history, and cultural traditions, as well as entertaining and sports events, and the traditional mathematical quest "Integral around the city."


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