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Adyghe State University's "Science Around" Project Wins Grant for Science Popularization Among Youth

Образование Наука
WYGwBtgPo_I.jpgThe Russian Ministry of Education and Science has awarded a grant of 30 million rubles to Adyghe State University for their project, "Science Around," which aims to popularize Russian science among schoolchildren. The university's project was one of 18 large-scale initiatives selected to promote science for a wide audience.
The primary objective of the "Science Around" project is to showcase the achievements of Russian scientists in the fields of natural, mathematical sciences, and information technology. By engaging schoolchildren in these disciplines, the project seeks to foster a scientific worldview and an informed understanding of science and technology.
Funds from the grant will be utilized for on-site science festivals at the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok," online lectures by renowned Russian scientists, and a series of online lessons on natural science and mathematics for students. These events will be conducted in collaboration with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS).
At the Orlyonok Children's Center, the one-day science festivals will offer interactive and playful activities in mathematics, biology, physics, astrophysics, and chemistry. Participants will have the opportunity to solve puzzles, create models, and participate in various scientific workshops. The festivals aim to engage around 20,000 schoolchildren from across the country between May and October.
The project also includes online lectures delivered by eminent scientists from the Steklov Mathematical Institute, the Institute of Astronomy RAS, Moscow State University, and other esteemed institutions. These lectures will cover diverse topics such as bioethics, human brain research, artificial intelligence, and the interplay between mathematics and linguistics.
A series of interactive online lessons will introduce students to the groundbreaking discoveries of Soviet and Russian scientists in natural science and mathematics, demonstrating their real-world applications. These lessons will also help students understand the scientific explanations behind everyday phenomena and processes.
The "Science Around" project is scheduled to be implemented from June to November 2024. It is anticipated that over 240,000 schoolchildren from various regions, including the Southern and North Caucasus Federal Districts, Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, the Republic of Tyva, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Zaporozhye, Kherson, and Yaroslavl regions, will participate in this initiative.
In the second grant competition for science popularization, 141 applications were submitted, with 132 passing the examination and being selected. A total of 430 million rubles will be distributed among the winning projects, with authors of popular science content receiving over 80 million.

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