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Strengthening Educational Ties Between Russia And India: Adyghe State University Delegates Participate in the Indo-Russian Education Summit 2024


The Vice-Rector for International Affairs of ASU, Susanna Tlehatuk, and the Head of the Department of International Cooperation, Socar Salam, are attending the First Indian-Russian Educational Summit in New Delhi from April 11th to 13th. This groundbreaking event aims to bolster collaboration and facilitate exchanges between educational institutions in Russia and India, ultimately strengthening the bilateral ties between the two nations.
Organized by Rossotrudnichestvo with the support of the Russian Embassy in India and Indian partners, the event showcases Russian higher education in India. Key objectives include presenting the capabilities of Russian educational organizations to a wide Indian audience and organizing meetings between the heads of relevant departments from both countries to discuss issues related to Russian-Indian cooperation. The summit promises to be a vibrant convergence of intellect and innovation, featuring panel discussions, round table conferences, and exhibitions designed to foster networking opportunities and knowledge exchange.
Prominent Russian educational institutions, such as RUDN University named after P. Lumumba, the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, the University of Science and Technology MISIS, and Moscow State Technical University N.E. Bauman, are participating in the summit. Additionally, four Deputy Ministers from the Russian Federation will be in attendance, representing essential sectors including education, energy, social and economic development, and science & technology. This involvement highlights the strong dedication of both nations to enhance collaboration across various fields, thereby reinforcing the enduring relationship between Russia and India.
In addition, the summit will host 104 esteemed delegates from 51 prestigious universities across the Russian Federation. Among them, 21 esteemed Chancellors (Rectors) and 12 Vice-Chancellors (Vice-Rectors), along with other distinguished representatives, will contribute to the event's academic prestige and enrich the discourse with their profound insights and expertise.


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