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Adyghe State University Strengthens Global Ties with Chinese Universities and Tech Firms

Приоритет 2030 Партнёры
photo1713877395.jpegAdyghe State University (ASU) has established a cooperation agreement with Heilongjiang University and two Chinese technology companies. The signing of this agreement occurred during ASU Rector Daud Mamiya's visit to the People's Republic of China, where he met with universities and companies in Harbin and Shanghai.
The primary purpose of Mamiya's visit was to forge diverse partnerships with Chinese universities and collaborate with leading scientific and innovative centers of traditional Chinese medicine. This partnership aims to support the development of ASU's strategic project, "Adygea - Territory of Health," which is implemented under the "Priority 2030" program.
During his visit to Harbin, Mamiya visited Harbin Polytechnic University, one of the largest scientific and educational institutions in the country, with over 25,000 students. He also met with Heilongjiang University and Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Discussions were held on potential areas and forms of cooperation, and Mamiya delivered a lecture on popularizing mathematics in Russia at Harbin Polytechnic University at the request of his Chinese counterparts.
The outcome of his meeting with Heilongjiang University led to the signing of a cooperation agreement with Adyghe State University, which includes joint research activities, academic exchange of teachers and students, implementation of joint educational programs, holding scientific conferences and symposiums.
Mamiya also visited Heilongjiang Tianhuinong Holding Group Ltd., an innovative Chinese company specializing in health-saving technologies in Harbin. Following negotiations with the company management, a cooperation agreement was reached.
In Shanghai, Mamiya held meetings with professors from the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and leaders of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Shanghai Transport University. They discussed potential cooperation forms. Mamiya also visited the Oriental Yuyun Health Technology group of private companies, which is developing health-saving technologies, and signed a cooperation agreement between ASU and Oriental Yuyun Health Technology.
The "Adygea - Territory of Health" project is one of ASU's strategic initiatives, implemented under the Priority 2030 program. It aims to enhance the quality and life expectancy of the region's population by focusing on several areas: a healthy lifestyle (physical education, sports, healthy eating), psychological health, socially-oriented activities, environmental education, and tourism. The project's ultimate goal is to develop and test an effective model for improving the quality and life expectancy of the region's residents through scientific research and implementation.


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