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ASU Rector Dr. Daud Mamiy Speaks at Youth Forum 'Mashuk', Celebrating 15th Anniversary with Record-Breaking Attendance and Diverse Program


DSC06980.jpgThe 15th anniversary Youth Forum "Mashuk" took place from August 9 to 23 in Pyatigorsk, gathering 2,250 young professionals from the fields of education and upbringing. These individuals, aged 14 to 35, represented all regions of the country.

The forum's comprehensive program featured a wide range of activities, including dozens of meetings with renowned individuals, expert blocks, presentations of best practices and innovative formats, group work sessions, and public discussions. The participants engaged in lively debates about the most pressing issues in education, the technological future of Russia, and the role of teachers in its development.

The educational program featured a lineup of distinguished speakers from the Mashuk Knowledge Center and the Russian Knowledge Society. The guest speakers included Russian figure skater Ilya Averbukh, a multiple-time champion in track and field and bobsleigh; motivational speaker Irina Skvortsova, renowned for her inspiring talks; Dmitry Lutovinov, winner of the prestigious All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia" and Chairperson of the Public Council of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation; Daud Mamiy, Rector of the Adyghe State University; and other notable experts.

DSC06915.jpgThe Rector of the Adyghe State University delivered a lecture titled "University: A Space of Opportunities" to a captivated audience of participants from the "Team" track, comprising over 100 representatives from the Movement of the First from 40 regions across Russia. 

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Финальная игра проекта «Ключ к долголетию: интеллектуально-творческие активности для пожилых граждан»
Финальная игра проекта «Ключ к долголетию: интеллектуально-творческие активности для пожилых граждан» пройдет 21 января в Концертном зале Адыгейского государственного университета
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