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Adyghe State University Enhances Global Reach with Arrival of Uzbek Students



A new group of twenty seven students from Uzbekistan has arrived at Adyghe State University to study under joint educational programs between ASU-UzSUMYA. The thirteen students will be enrolled at the Faculty of Engineering and Physics, while fourteen students will be studying at the International Faculty.

Currently, students are actively preparing for the upcoming academic year, working closely with the staff of the Department for Work with Foreign Students and the Visa Department to prepare the necessary documents and complete the mandatory medical procedures required to begin their studies at Adyghe State University in full-time format.

Students enrolled in joint educational programs spend their first three years studying at UzSUMWL, and then transition to Adyghe State University in their fourth year. Upon completing their studies, they defend their final qualifying works, and those who successfully pass this process are awarded diplomas from both universities.

Let us recall that, in addition to Uzbekistan, Adygea State University has established cooperation agreements with educational institutions in Armenia, Belarus, Israel, Jordan, Yemen, Kyrgyzstan, China, Syria, Tajikistan, and Turkey.
In total, almost 1,200 foreign students from 39 countries are currently studying at the university, including students from Azerbaijan, Angola, Afghanistan, Ghana, India, Kazakhstan, Cameroon, Congo, Mongolia, Turkmenistan, South Sudan, and others.


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