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Cultivating Tomorrow, The Southern Federal District's Journey in Legal Literacy and Human Rights Advocacy - 2024

The "School of Legal Literacy of the Southern Federal District - 2024" is being held at Adyghe State University. Its aim is to foster a legal culture among young people, cultivate a tolerant worldview, enhance intercultural communication, and equip students with both practical and theoretical knowledge in areas such as scholarship provisions, dormitory accommodations, their fundamental rights, and the implementation thereof.

Representatives from nine universities spanning six regions are participating in this initiative: Volgograd State University, Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University, Don State Technical University, South-Russian State Polytechnical University (NPI) named after Matvey Platov, Kuban State University, Kuban State Technological University, Kalmyk State University named after Basan Gorodovikov, and Adyghe State University.

Experts from the trade unions of Moscow State University, Moscow Polytechnic University, Pyatigorsk State University, Volgograd State University, Kemerovo State University, as well as trade unions from the Chelyabinsk Region and the Urals Federal District, will be contributing their insights. Many of these experts have distinguished themselves as winners and finalists in the All-Russian competition "Student Leader - 2020" and as recognized specialists with Rosmolodezh.Grants.

As part of the competition program of the School, a district competition titled "The Best Human Rights Defender of the Southern Federal District - 2024" will be held for student leaders from educational organizations throughout the Southern Federal District. Over the course of three days, participants will engage in a series of tests, including: "Self-Portrait," "Video," "Proflikbez," "Blitz," "Two to One," "Oratorical Duel," and "Presentation."

We would like to remind you that the project "School of Legal Literacy of the Southern Federal District - 2024," led by the team from the Primary Trade Union of Students at ASU, won the All-Russian competition for youth projects and was awarded a grant for implementation in the amount of 1.3 million rubles. The project is headed by Lidiya Konovalova, the chairman of the PPOS ASU and the director of the ASU Culture Center.

This project was previously conducted at ASU in 2019, where it served as the concluding event of the year, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the student trade union movement in the Southern Federal District. In 2023, the project took place in Volgograd.

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