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The Football Federation of the Republic of Adygea Honors ASU Team with Awards for Second Place Finish in Regional Championship


The Football Federation of the Republic of Adygea recently honored the ASU team for their outstanding performance, awarding them second place in the regional championship. The award ceremony for the university football team, which secured the silver medal in the Adygea Championship 2024 after a series of competitive matches, took place in the conference hall of Adygea State University. 

It is important to note that six teams from across Adygea competed for the title this year. They participated in a round-robin format, where each team faced every other team, and the champion was determined by the highest total points accrued. While the tournament results were announced in mid-September, the award ceremony was conducted in a formal and celebratory atmosphere. 

During the event, the Chairman of the Football Federation of the Republic of Adygea, Nurbiy Khakunov, presented the team cup, medals, and an individual prize for the best midfielder of the championship, Daniil Zholobov, in the presence of ASU Rector Daud Mamiy.


-Adygea State University had a commendable performance at the championship. According to professional assessments, the players have significantly improved their game. Their conduct on the court has also been enhanced, as demonstrated by a decrease in the number of penalty cards and negative incidents. "The players are evolving into a cohesive team,"- stated Nurbiy Khakunov while congratulating the football squad.

At the same event, the team presented the cup awarded to the winner of the semi-final tournament of the National Student Football League—hosted by MGGTK ASU for the first time—to the rector for safekeeping. This occasion provided the team and the university an opportunity to showcase their identity and demonstrate the capabilities of the university's sports infrastructure in hosting competitions at the highest level.

The rector expressed gratitude to the Football Federation of Adygea for its constructive cooperation and assistance in organizing the event, as well as to the coaches and players for their commendable performance. He emphasized that the university will continue to support the football team, which was established last year and has already distinguished itself in tournaments at the republican level and beyond.
5269549037240051183.jpg-It is wonderful that we have successfully formed a team. Indeed, our shared passion for football is what unites us. I would like the team to develop its own traditions, inspiring the players to aspire to represent the Adyghe State University team and to enroll at the university to join us. The foundation of this initiative lies in your hands, as you are pivotal to its formation,"- said Daud Mamiy, extending his best wishes for new victories to the football players.

The Director of the IFC and Judo at ASU, along with the team leader Ruslan Akhtaov, spoke about each football player on the team during the ceremony. He expressed his gratitude to all the university and college services that support the players in their training and allow them to compete peacefully. He also extended his appreciation to the fans, whose enthusiastic support contributed to the team's victory in securing a memorable title from the NSFL tournament.

We would like to remind you that the next significant tournament for FC ASU will be the final of the All-Russian football competitions among students in the All-Russian Division. This event is scheduled to take place in Yessentuki from November 16 to 25.


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