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Inaugural Hackathon at ASU Unites Teams to Innovate in Electric Transportation through Data Analysis

Образование Приоритет 2030
The inaugural hackathon hosted by the Institute of Exact Sciences and Digital Technologies at ASU, focusing on data analysis, brings together 13 teams to tackle challenges related to the development of electric transportation. 

This first hackathon, a team competition organized by the Institute, has commenced at ASU with the participation of 65 individuals—composed of first- and second-year students from the Institute of Exact Sciences and Digital Technologies, as well as third- and fourth-year students from Moscow State Technical University specializing in IT disciplines. The participants are divided into 13 teams, each tasked with presenting their solutions to the assigned problem within a two-day timeframe.

-The task is assigned to the author, Semyon Teploukhov, who is the head of the Laboratory of Renewable Energy Sources at ASU. The participants are required to formulate a hypothesis regarding why customers opt for electric vehicles and the criteria that influence their decisions. The teams have been provided with a comprehensive database containing various parameters across several thousand entries. Their responsibility is to analyze this information and either confirm or refute their hypothesis.- This was stated by Marina Leonova, a member of the organizing committee. 


It is not essential to have perfect coding skills in order to participate. To effectively address the problem, diverse competencies and creative thinking are required. The recommended team composition includes developers, designers, analysts, speakers, and managers.

The teams received the initial data and began their analysis. By the end of the day, they will formulate their hypotheses, which they will further develop tomorrow. The results will then be presented to the jury, comprising 15 experts, including representatives from the university's partner companies in the IT industry. Participants will also have the opportunity to seek assistance from mentors, some of whom will be available for remote consultation.

The winner will receive merchandise from Adyghe State University, certificates for an internship in the university's laboratories, and prizes from partner companies. Additionally, the Hackathon will provide participants with the chance to forge new friendships and valuable connections, receive support and guidance from experts, and gain practical experience.

This Hackathon is organized to implement the action plan of the "IT at Home" project, which is part of the "Apple Valley" strategic initiative within the Adyghe State University Development Program, aligned with the "Priority-2030" strategic academic leadership program.

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