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ASU's Poetry Recital Revival: A Creative Showcase for English Wordsmiths Returns After Years!

Образование Культура

WhatsApp Image 2024-11-01 at 16.35.53.jpeg

The creative competition for English poetry reciters has resumed at ASU after several years of hiatus. The inaugural event took place the day before, marking a significant moment in the first year of the Philological Faculty of ASU. Organized by the Department of Foreign Languages, the competition aims to nurture the creative and intellectual potential of students and encourage first-year students to engage with the Student Scientific Society of ASU. Participants prepared performances featuring poems and songs inspired by the works of English poets from various eras, all of whom have made a profound impact on the development of global poetic culture.

-We chose the philological faculty to begin with, as the topic of poetry resonates deeply with these students. Additionally, organizing a recitation competition serves as an excellent opportunity to broaden students' cultural horizons and enhance their erudition while fostering their creative activities. It is precisely this approach that boosts motivation to study the language and culture of another country,- as noted by the faculty at the department.

The competition also contributed to the development of skills in expressive reading, public speaking, listening, and oral communication. 

The jury evaluated the participants and recognized the best in the categories of "Best Pronunciation," "Expressive Reading," and "Stage Skills." Based on the results of the competition, 1st place was awarded to Korshunova Elena and Metlyaeva Victoria, while 2nd place went to Ramazanova Ilyena, and 3rd place was earned by Manaeva Sofia and Kukhareva Ekaterina. 

The department plans to organize similar competitions in other faculties over time, with the eventual goal of elevating the competition to a university-wide level.

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