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Second-Year Pedagogy and Psychology Students Engage in the Federal Educational Marathon, "The Knowledge First."

Second-year students from the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Victoria Zolotareva and Ekaterina Parazikhina, participated in the Federal Educational Marathon, Knowledge. The First.
This all-Russian initiative involves participants from nearly every region of Russia. The marathon is organized by the Russian Society of Knowledge.
-These are truly three days that have the potential to change your life. More than 200 exceptional speakers, including notable cultural figures, renowned politicians, and talented scientists, will be present. As part of the marathon, participants will have the opportunity to engage with them personally, forge new connections, and, most importantly, experience pride in our homeland and the achievements of our compatriots,- shared Angelina.
The concept of the marathon is to illustrate the opportunities available to young people, inspire them through various projects, help them discover their place, and realize their talents.
-The marathon was a significant discovery for me, particularly in terms of opportunities. I am eager to implement interesting projects and ideas at our university in the future,- said Victoria.

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