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ASU scientists participated in the International Scientific Congress "Values, Traditions, and Innovations of Modern Sports" in Belarus.

Наука Приоритет 2030 Адыгея – территория здоровья

Выступление Чермита К.Д. (1).jpg

Scientists from Adyghe State University—Professor Rashid Khunagov, Professor Kazbek Chermit, and Associate Professor Anatoly Zabolotny—took part in the International Scientific Congress “Values, Traditions, and Innovations of Modern Sports,” which was held on November 14-15 in Minsk at the venues of the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the Belarusian State University of Physical Education.

The forum was co-organized by physical education and sports universities from the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Japan, the People's Republic of China, and the Republic of Cuba. A total of 13 countries participated in the congress.
The business program of the congress was designed to create an interdisciplinary space for information interaction and the synchronization of scientific interests, values, and viewpoints.
Kazbek Chermit presented at the "Expert Session" on the topic of "Physical Culture and Sports: A Comprehensive Vision through Science." He delivered a report on the methodological foundations for assessing the technical preparedness of athletes and the quality of their motor actions by examining the binary opposition of "symmetry-asymmetry." At the same session, Anatoly Zabolotny discussed the application of the system-symmetry method for evaluating the technical preparedness of athletes.

Выступление Заболотнего А.Г. (1).jpg

Professor Rashid Khunagov spoke at a round table held as part of the congress business program on the topic of "Activities in the Field of Physical Culture and Sports as an Object of Historical and Socio-Philosophical Research." His report focused on the implementation of resources within the educational environment of the university aimed at promoting student health, using Adyghe State University as a case study.

The delegation from Adyghe State University met with the Rector of the Belarusian State University of Physical Education, Sergei Repkin, along with leading scientists from the institution. As a result of this meeting, both parties reaffirmed their commitment to collaboration.

Встреча в коридоре с представителями Луганска... (1).jpg

Let us recall that in October, Adyghe State University and the Belarusian State University of Physical Education reached an agreement to conduct joint research in the field of sports science. Together with colleagues from Polesie State University, they will also work towards the development of health-preserving technologies and biotechnology. The relevant agreements concluded with the Belarusian universities will significantly contribute to the advancement of the university's strategic project, "Adygea - Territory of Health," which is being implemented as part of the "Priority 2030" program. Additionally, the universities have agreed to implement student academic mobility programs, including participation in summer schools.

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