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ASU Rector Daud Mamiy Participates in Round Table Discussion on Advancing the Agro-Industrial Complex in Adygea During Minister of Agriculture Oksana Lut's Regional Visit



On December 2, a round table was held in Adygea, featuring the participation of the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Oksana Lut, the head of Adygea, Murat Kumpilov, and representatives of the scientific community. The discussions focused on the introduction of advanced technologies in the agro-industrial complex of Adygea.

Attending the discussion was Daud Mamiy, the rector of Adyghe State University. The participants exchanged views on strategies to enhance the industry by leveraging scientific developments.

-To strengthen technological sovereignty in the agro-industrial complex, we are fostering cooperation between science and business, stimulating scientific advancements, and training professional and scientific personnel for the industry,- noted Murat Kumpilov.

The head of Adygea addressed the most significant steps taken in the republic in this regard. Among these initiatives is the establishment of the scientific and educational consortium "Vernadsky - Republic of Adygea," created in collaboration with Moscow State University and based at Adygea State University. Furthermore, cooperation is flourishing with the All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N. I. Vavilov, facilitated by the Maykop Experimental Station.


Three agroclasses have already been established in the republic, and efforts in this direction are ongoing. The construction of an innovation center focused on agrobiotechnology in Adygea represents another significant step in addressing national challenges within the agro-industrial complex. As has been highlighted, the initiatives currently underway position Adygea as a potential hub for scientists, businesses, farmers, and students engaged in new research facilitated by the Agrobiotechnopark.

-We are committed to continuing our efforts in implementing innovations within the agro-industrial complex to support the advancement of breeding and seed production in the republic. There is ample potential in this area: the industry’s scientific and educational foundation available in the region enables us to confidently pursue these objectives,-  noted Murat Kumpilov.

On the same day, Daud Mamiy, Director of the NOC "Institute of Living Systems and Health Engineering," Anatoly Zabolotny, second-year master's students of the Plant Genetics and Agrobiotechnology program Amin Makaov and Alexander Yaremkiv, along with third-year Biology student Irina Baydalakova, attended the ceremony for laying a time capsule in the foundation of the future innovation center "Agrobiotechnopark" RUSEED, which is being constructed in the Giaginsky District of Adygea.

The project envisions the establishment of a state-of-the-art genetic laboratory dedicated to the study of agricultural plant varieties and hybrids, alongside the creation of a distinctive phytozone. Additionally, a high-tech warehouse will be constructed for the storage of valuable seed samples from various varieties and hybrids. A phytotron complex is also planned, enabling year-round cultivation and crossing of plants to develop new, highly productive varieties and hybrids. In 2025, the RUSEED breeding and seed center is set to unveil a phytotron complex equipped with advanced features such as supplementary lighting, automated climate control, and enhanced plant nutrition. Furthermore, within a year, an agrobiotechnopark is scheduled to launch, providing a platform for scientists to innovate new varieties and hybrids and facilitate their immediate integration into production. This comprehensive initiative will significantly advance scientific projects in the fields of selection and the creation of high-quality domestic products.


The Head of the Laboratory of the Selection and Seed Center, Marina Dorofeeva, provided a tour for the students. During the tour, they were introduced to the structure of the center and informed about the opportunities for industrial practice and employment available there.
It is important to note that plant genetics and the application of new mathematical methods in the fields of agrobiotechnology and precision farming are key areas of scientific and educational activity at Adyghe State University. These initiatives are carried out in collaboration with various scientific and industrial partners, including the All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N.I. Vavilov (VIR), Sirius University, the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Samara University named after Korolev, and Progress Agro.

A new direction has been established at ASU in collaboration with VIR—plant genetics. Within the scope of the cooperation agreement, educational and research modules developed by VIR scientists have been integrated into both the bachelor's and master's degree programs in the field of "Biology." Additionally, a master's program titled "Plant Genetics and Agrobiotechnology" has been introduced. Since 2022, the Summer School on Plant Phenomics has been conducted annually, allowing undergraduate and graduate students from various universities across the country to familiarize themselves with the theoretical foundations of phenotyping, organic farming, and biological plant protection, while also learning to independently utilize modern tools for phenotypic analysis. ASU students actively participate in the Vavilov School of Young Scientists.

In 2023, ASU inaugurated a laboratory dedicated to mathematical methods in precision farming and biotechnology. The primary objective of this laboratory is to develop and apply innovative mathematical methodologies in agrobiotechnology and precision farming, with a particular emphasis on genetics, phenotyping, and (micro) biological plant protection. The laboratory's initiatives are focused on collaborating with industrial partners to create and implement software solutions and educational programs in the realms of applied mathematics and applied information technologies.

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