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Ethnomoda again!

Contest Event


Ethnomoda again!

According to the results of the All – Russian competition of youth projects in 2020, the project of the Adyghe State University «All-Russian festival of young designers «Ethnomoda» with international participation», which has already become a good tradition at the Adyghe State University for the sixth time, be held with the grant support of the Federal Agency for youth Affairs at the Adyghe State University, in the capital of the Republic of Adygeya — Maykop, from November 30th to December 3rd, 2020. 

The first contest of young designers «Ethnomoda» took place in 2015, within the «Studvesna na Kavkaze», which was organized by Adyghe State University with the support of the Russian Union of Youth (RUY). The successful debut of the festival «Ethnomoda» not only attracted attention, but also brought it to the level of a popular project not only in Russia but beyond it. Today «Ethnomoda» is the Central event in the field of Fashion of the Federal program for supporting students’ creativity «Rossijskaya Studvesna» of the Russian Union of Youth.

The festival presupposes the demonstration of the creative potential of young designers-students and graduates of educational institutions both in Russia and abroad, designers present their works in the following categories:

  • «Ethnic motives in modern clothing» Pret-a-porter collections for various purposes, following fashion trends, containing ethnic elements (3-7 models)

  • «Traditional national costume» Reconstruction of the national costume of different epochs, based on historical etc. grounds (3-7 models);

  • «Stage costume with ethnic elements». Collections of clothing with ethnic elements (3-7 models);

  • «Ethno-performance». Presentation of theaters of fashion, fashion performance on stage to the music (no more than 5 minutes);

  • «Arts and Crafts» (including fashion accessories in ethnic style). Pieces will be exhibited on your exhibition stands (that you should provide). All the pieces should be entitled and accompanied by the additional information describing the materials and the way of production as well as the name of the artist.

  • «Best fashion photo» - non-competitive nomination – the best photos of the collections presented in the contest will be chosen by the board of Jury (distant participation only). Photo works are considered if the name of the photographer is given in the application form (Appendix to this Regulation).

It is planned to broadcast live the competition show and summing up the results on the Internet. The festival has already attracted not only Russian but also foreign young designers and fashion professionals. This year the festival format is mixed – full-time and part-time, priority is given to the online format, and the Directorate is waiting for photo and video materials of the collections, which will be presented online for the court of an authoritative jury.

And it will traditionally be headed by Alexander Khilkevich, a well-known fashion analyst and historian, the country's leading expert on evaluating and selecting designer collections. The jury will consist of recognized experts in the field of fashion, design, culture and art. 

Maria Reznikova, the head of the international fashion competition FollowTheFabrika, who provides information support and presents special prizes to the best participants, confirmed her consent to join the jury. Also participating in the jury will be Roman Efremov, President of the Association «fashion Week» of Russian Fashion, Svetlana Kurenova, head of the Department «Construction, technology and design», head of the international competition «Podium», winner of the diploma of the Pierre Cardin fashion house, and designer Susanna Makerova. Negotiations are underway to attract foreign experts to the jury with the possibility of working in a remote format.

Contact person for registration in the AIS «Youth of Russia» Anastasia Chudakova — tel.+7 (908) 685-82-96 (WhatsApp).

For Additional information please contact Devyakovich Natalia Kalametovna — +7 (961) 829-19-28,


The latest information-excerpts from the Festival regulations are given below. The full text for detailed information visit the website of the Russian Studvesna


Basic rules for participation

Participants of the competition program of the Festival can be citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign countries aged from 16 to 30 years.

Individual authors, student teams interested in costume design, ethnography, decorative and applied arts and photography are invited to participate in the Festival.

Individual authors may be students, graduates and young specialists of educational institutions in the fields related to the design, technology and construction of clothing, cultural studies, fine arts and applied arts.

Individual authors with non-profile education can participate in the festival, on condition that they confirmed their creative achievements in areas related to design, technology and construction of sewing goods, with diplomas, certificates of participation, comments from experts (cultural studies, fine arts, applied arts). Students and creative groups (participants under the age of 30 years), the activity of which is related to costume with ethnic motives, ethnic fashion and design (fashion theaters, theater of costume, workshops, studios, laboratories, etc.) can participate.

To participate in the Festival, each participant must register to the «All-Russian festival of young designers «Etnomoda» with international participation» in the automated information system «Molodezh Rossii» up to November, 15th 2020 at the following address on the Internet: 

Foreign participants must register by November, 15th, 2020 in the Google-form

When submitting an application, the participants of the festival must attach scanned copies of documents confirming professional and creative achievements of various levels.

Each participant of the competition program (both individuals and teams) has the right to submit no more than two collections.

The musical accompaniment is submitted in mp3 format on a flash drive together with the application.

The festival participation forms are full – time and part-time.

The application form must be submitted beforehand to the management team as well as:-       

  • A short professional description of the collection, a separate file in Word format, no more than 2000 symbols should contain the following information: the description of the collection, materials, constructive and technological instruments used, décor, processing, innovative solutions applied.

  • Photo materials made with professional equipment in a studio shooting mode (interior, lighting), with high resolution. It is mandatory to have a full-length photo of each model, group photos (2-3 models), as well as photos of the entire collection. If you want to emphasize the details – you can also submit close-ups. The folder with photos and files should be named in the same way as the collection.

  • Video show of the collection, professional shooting (studio, interior, or outdoor) with the appropriate professional lighting should be provided. The video must contain close-up and general front views of each model, as well as general views of the entire collection.

  • Photo and video materials of collections in the category «Applied Arts and fashion accessories in the Ethnic style» must contain description of each product, the overall picture of the collection. The collection should be presented on exhibition tables, stands, mannequins, etc. that you provide

Note: we may reject applications if photo and video materials are of poor quality


The maximum number of nonresidential participants for full-time participation is 40 people. If this quota is filled before the deadline, the Management has the right not to accept the applications for full-time participation and must ensure that all authors whose applications meet the requirements of this Regulation and are sent later than the date of filling in the quota, but before the date of termination of applications are allowed to participate in absentia.

Accommodation and food expenses of nonresident participants of the competition program of the Festival within the limits of quotas are paid by the host party.

The quota for participation of one author is up to 2 people. (author and accompanying person), from creative teams — up to 8 people, including the head.

Payment for accommodation and meals of participants in excess of the established quota is made by the sending party, in agreement with the festival Directorate.

Travel expenses for participants of the Festival's competition program are paid by the sending party.

All participants and experts of the Festival arriving for full-time participation must have a passport, student ID card (for students), medical insurance, a document confirming the presence of a negative test result for COVID-19 by PCR, received no earlier than 2 days before departure; a certificate of no contact with infectious patients.

Registration fee for participation in the Festival is not provided. Participants are provided with food, accommodation, souvenir handouts, as well as transfer according to the Festival program at the expense of the host party.

Transfer of delegations from the stations of Maykop, Belorechensk, the airport and the stations of Krasnodar is carried out at the expense of the host party by the decision of the Management only if there is information provided in a timely manner with the application for participation.

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Brief description

The 6th All-Russian festival of young designers «Ethnomoda» with international participation (hereinafter referred to as the Festival) is the central event of the direction «Fashion» (former «Original genre») The Federal Program for the support and development of student creativity «Rossijskaya Studencheskaya Vesna». It is held on the basis of the Adyghe State University. The co-founder is the all-Russian public organization «Russian Union of Youth». The project is being implemented with the support of the Ministry of higher education and science of the Russian Federation and the authorities of the Republic of Adygea. The festival team is formed of representatives of regional offices of RUY and ASU Russia, ASU Students’ fashion theatre «De Luxe», the Union of students and the primary trade-union organization of students in partnership with the University administration.

 The project arouses great interest of participants and specialists in the field of fashion and design, and in 2020 it is expected to expand the range of participants. Traditionally, the festival has an opening, the fashion contest (the display of collections of young designers under the age of 30), master classes by the Chairman and members of the jury, gala show of the best collections and the award ceremony; cultural and sightseeing program for guests and participants. A draft Regulation on the festival has been prepared, preliminary agreements on the places for the festival have been reached, and a number of experts have previously agreed to join the jury. Participants of the festival will be provided with accommodation, food, souvenirs, rooms for rehearsals and fashion shows and volunteer support. Nonresident designers will be provided with models of the «De Luxe» fashion theater of Business Studies College of ASU. Information support will be provided, as well as a live broadcast of the contest and gala show on the Internet. Taking into account the experience of the project implementation, the project level will approach the international standards.

 And it will traditionally be headed by Alexander Khilkevich, a well-known fashion analyst and historian, the country's leading expert in the field of design. The jury will consist of recognized experts in the field of fashion, design, culture and art. Maria Reznikova, the head of the international fashion competition FollowTheFabrika, who provides information support and presents special prizes to the best participants, confirmed her consent to join the jury. The jury will also include Roman Efremov, President of the Association of «Russian Fashion Weeks», head of the «Construction, technology and design» department and the head of the international contest «The Catwalk» Svetlana Kurennova, holder of the of the Pierre Cardin fashion houses diplomas, designer Susanna Makerova. Negotiations are underway to include foreign experts into the jury on a remote format.

Contact person for registration in the AIS «Youth of Russia» Anastasia Chudakova — tel. +7 (908) 685-82-96 (WhatsApp).

For Additional information please contact Devyakovich Natalia Kalametovna — tel. +7 (961)