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A project seminar "Teacher of the Year" has been held at the Adyghe State University


The project seminar has been attended by 19 school community representatives of subject teachers of the Republic of Adygheya schools and Krasnodar region districts, as well as 20 University lecturers.

The seminar purpose was to receive feedback from the school community representatives about the professional competencies that future teachers should have. The event participants have designed the University graduate competence portrait of pedagogical training areas for further updating the principles of future teachers training.

The Director of the Department of Educational Policy Nadezhda Ilyinova has noted: "It is symbolic that the seminar takes place in the Year of the teacher and mentor, announced by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The mission of the Year is the recognition of the special status of teaching staff, including those performing mentoring activities. For more than 80 years, Adyghe State University has been training personnel for the education system not only for the Republic of Adygheya, but also for the entire South of Russia.

Thanks to the University's participation in the “Priority 2030” program, today we can pay special attention to the development of teacher education. Modern challenges are such that future teachers should be ready for constant self-improvement in the professional sphere."