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The Rector of Adyghe State University, Professor Daud Mamiy, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in the popular science initiative "Science Around." He extended his thanks to 137 dedicated employees and students, including organizers, volunteers, and mentors. The award ceremony took place in the A.K. Yachikov Auditorium.

-Together, we have achieved a significant and noteworthy task, and I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you,- said Daud Mamiy, ASU Rector and head of the Science Around project, while addressing the participants of the event.
The rector highlighted the project's most notable achievements: over 270,000 schoolchildren participated in the online lessons provided by the Science Around initiative, while more than 4 million internet users engaged with the popular science content developed as part of this endeavor. Additionally, the science festivals at Orlyonok attracted more than 16,000 children from Russia and 13 other countries. A lecture delivered by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and esteemed scientist and science communicator, Professor Alexey Savvateev from MIPT and ASU, captivated an audience of over 1,000 attendees, making it the largest popular science lecture in the history of the children's center. The involvement of distinguished popularizers from across the country underscores the high regard for the projects implemented by Adyghe State University, which have been successfully carried out for many years.
The Science Around project was organized by Adyghe State University with the support of a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, as part of the federal initiative aimed at the Popularization of Science and Technology. This initiative was implemented from June to December and encompassed three key components: 
-hosting visiting science festivals at the All-Russian Children's Center Orlyonok. 
-creating a media library of video lectures by Russian scientists and science communicators.
-conducting a series of online lessons on the natural sciences and mathematics for schoolchildren.

The project aimed to promote the accomplishments of Russian scientists in the fields of natural and mathematical sciences, foster an early understanding of the scientific worldview, and enhance the information culture among schoolchildren. It received recognition from the expert community: the educational media library "Science Around," featuring lectures by renowned scientists and developed in collaboration with TASS, was named a finalist for the Runet Prize 2024 in the category of "Children's Runet and Family Values."

Upcoming events

Intra-university student Olympiad "Pedagogical marathon"
February 17 - March 11
Intra-university student Olympiad "Pedagogical marathon"
From February 17 to March 11 Adyghe State University will host intra-university student  Olympiad "Pedagogical marathon" 
"Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve. The First Century"
February 12
"Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve. The First Century"
Adyghe State University will host a free screening of a documentary film "Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve.