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Danila Kuznetsov, a student at the Maikop State Humanitarian and Technical College of Adyghe State University, won the gold medal at the International Youth Photo Festival "Without Borders".A total of 15,000 photos were submitted to the competition by 1,400 people from 31 countries. Of these, the jury selected 180 best shots from participants in 16 countries for the final. Among them were 7 works by Danila.

As the author shared, Arkady Kirnos a well-known photographer in Adygea and the head of the Lagonaki photo club, helped select the works and arrange them into a series for the competition . The shot for which the jury eventually awarded the young photographer gold was taken for the presentation of the clothing collection of the designer, the head of the Laboratory of Experimental Linguistics at ASU  , Susanna Makerova.

- We shot in the ruins of the building using two Chinese flashes. It was already quite dark when we made the final version, and therefore all the entrances and exits to the building were closed. We had to bother the security guard to open the gates for us, - Danila said.

Despite the fact that the competition took place in the summer, the winner was awarded the prize only now. In the solemn atmosphere of the final meeting of the ASU Scientific Council, Arkady Kirnos presented Danila with the medal. ASU Rector Daud Mamiy presented the student with a gift from the university and wished him further success in his work. This is not the only series of works by Danila in tandem with Susana Makerova. There were two more shoots in her costumes, filmed on the Eagle Shelf and the Nagoy Kosh Ridge.

Upcoming events

Intra-university student Olympiad "Pedagogical marathon"
February 17 - March 11
Intra-university student Olympiad "Pedagogical marathon"
From February 17 to March 11 Adyghe State University will host intra-university student  Olympiad "Pedagogical marathon" 
"Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve. The First Century"
February 12
"Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve. The First Century"
Adyghe State University will host a free screening of a documentary film "Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve.