ASU News
ASU News

February, 6
Dr. Lisa Isaac from Adyghe State University's International Cooperation Department Presented at the Valdai Club's 14th Middle East Conference
Lisa Issac, who holds a PhD in International Relations, addressed a session focused on the new challenges facing the Middle East region.

December, 27
Honoring Excellence: Inna Gaidareva Receives 'Honored Worker of Higher Education' Title for Contributions to Adygea's Academic Landscape
Deputy Director of the Institute of Law of ASU Inna Gaidareva was awarded the title of "Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Republic of Adygea.

The Head Of Adyghea Murat Kumpilov Launches the V.A. Sadovnichy Prize to Honor MSU Students Engaged in Vernadsky–Republic of Adygea Consortium Projects
The Head of Adygea, Murat Kumpilov, established the V.A. Sadovnichy Prize for students of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) who participate in the projects of the Vernadsky—Republic...

December, 10
On Heroes of the Fatherland Day, the Faculty of History at ASU Unveils Books for Participants of the 'History Told by the People' Project
On the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland, the Faculty of History at Adyghe State University (ASU) presented books to participants of the project "History Told by the People"...

December, 4
ASU Student Receives Republic of Adygea's Personal Prize for Outstanding Achievement
The award ceremony for the winners of the Republic of Adygea's personal prizes for individuals with disabilities took place yesterday at the Government House of the Republic of...